Kentucky Derby Tickets

For the Kentucky Oaks and Derby, a variety of tickets designed and produced. This includes commemorative tickets as well as tickets designed for specific luxury seating areas. Each of the tickets has a unique design while also adhering the Derby brand guidelines.


2024 Kentucky Oaks and Derby Commemorative Tickets

For the 150th Kentucky Oaks and Derby, the commemorative tickets needed to be heroic and celebrate 150 years of the Derby so I used gold foil and highlighted the official artwork by artist Wylie Caudill.


2023 Winner’s Circle Suite Tickets

The challenge when designing the Winner’s Circle Suite Tickets is there are 21 different Winner’s Circle Suites and the tickets have to differ between Oaks and Derby for the purposes of operations. The rose elements on the border were taken from the 2023 official artwork and serve as a through line for Oaks and Derby. However, the two days differ through the use of color and logo. The use of a playfully designed saddle towel to match the look and feel of the rose elements was used to represent each Winner’s Circle Suites in a unique and differing way.


2023 Matt Winn’s Steakhouse Tickets

Matt Winn’s Steakhouse is a luxury seating option for Oaks and Derby. The goal for these tickets designs were to be upscale while connecting them to the 2023 official artwork to keep a sense of cohesion across all 2023 tickets. The playful Twin Spires at the bottom are an element taken from the artwork and gold foil was used to add a higher quality look and feel.